Car Accident Law Firm Sandy Springs, GA

Need a Car Accident Lawyer in Sandy Springs, Georgia?

Auto accidents have the potential to disrupt lives and leave a lasting impact on both physical and emotional well-being. The financial challenges that often accompany such incidents can be overwhelming without the guidance of an experienced legal team. At The Mabra Firm, our dedicated car accident lawyers in Sandy Springs are here to provide compassionate and unwavering support to all those injured in accidents throughout the metro Sandy Springs area. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, approximately 40 million individuals require medical assistance for personal injuries every year, with about 5.5 million stemming from car accidents.

The prevalence of motor vehicle accidents underscores the importance of seeking legal counsel when negligence is a factor. Filing a claim can be a complex process, often raising numerous questions about the legal system and its workings.

If you find yourself with questions about your accident, look no further. Our attorneys have compiled answers to the most frequently asked car accident questions here. Let’s begin by understanding what steps to take after an auto accident.

What Do You Do After a Car Accident in Sandy Springs?

The moments following a car crash are crucial, though it’s understandable to feel disoriented or anxious. Our car accident lawyers in Sandy Springs recommend following these seven steps:

  1. Call Emergency Services: Your first priority should be to call 9-1-1 to summon an ambulance to the accident scene. It’s important to assess injuries, both your own and those of others involved. Some injuries may not manifest immediately and could emerge hours or even days later.
  2. Exchange Information: After seeking medical attention, obtain the other driver’s information and try to preserve evidence from the accident. Ensure you collect:
    • Their name
    • Phone number
    • Address
    • License plate number
    • Insurance company details
    Gathering this data is crucial, as it will be needed when reporting the accident to your insurance company and can be valuable if the other party denies their involvement.
  3. Cooperate with the Police: When the police arrive, provide them with a detailed account of the accident. The police report will serve as a vital piece of evidence for your insurance claim.
  4. Document the Scene: Take photographs of your vehicle to substantiate property damage claims.
  5. Contact Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurance company about the accident. However, it’s advisable to consult with a lawyer before engaging with anyone else to ensure you handle this delicate situation appropriately.
  6. Hire a Lawyer: Don’t make the mistake of contacting the insurance company without consulting a lawyer first. Legal advice is essential to navigate the complexities of your settlement.

How Does a Car Accident Claim Begin?

Once you’ve spoken with your insurance company and contacted The Mabra Firm, the process of initiating a personal injury claim can commence. Initially, this entails filing a summons and serving a complaint to the at-fault party.

However, there may be exceptions, particularly in cases involving multiple parties or when the at-fault party is an employee on the job. In such instances, your lawyer will explore whether the individual has uninsured or underinsured coverage, and if so, their insurance company will also be served with a complaint.

If the at-fault party lacks insurance, you may need to file a personal injury claim with your own insurance company, which typically provides compensation for your injuries and damages.

What Are Damages in Car Accident Cases?

Following a car accident, damages come in two categories: general damages and special damages. Damages refer to the monetary compensation awarded in a case. Let’s delve into these two types of damages:

General Damages

General damages encompass physical injuries suffered by you, excluding damage to personal property. Instead, the defendant is responsible for compensating you for any pain and suffering you endure. General damages may include:

  • Loss of Consortium
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Mental Trauma
  • PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

Quantifying the value of general damages can be challenging, as these damages are subjective and may take time to determine. Keep in mind that severe mental trauma can also be part of general damages, and symptoms may manifest weeks or even months after the accident.

Special Damages

Special damages cover expenses related to physical property or medical bills. If your accident results in hospitalization, the defendant is liable for covering the costs incurred during your hospital stay. Physical damages also encompass:

  • Vehicle repairs
  • Repairs to damaged property
  • Compensation for irreplaceable items

Calculating special damages is typically more straightforward than general damages when estimating a settlement.

Is My Car Accident Case Criminal or Civil?

Distinguishing between a criminal case and a civil claim involves key differences. A criminal case is typically initiated by the state government and led by a prosecuting attorney. In the context of car accidents, a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) case is an example of a criminal case, as it involves illegal behavior such as driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol.

On the other hand, a civil claim is pursued through a law firm or an independent party to hold the other party accountable for injuries or damages. To succeed in a civil case, you must provide evidence, such as photos, police reports, and statements, demonstrating that you are not at fault for the accident.

What Are the Tort Laws?

Tort laws are designed to address acts of negligence leading to personal injury. These laws exist to protect and support injured or wronged parties, ensuring they receive the compensation they rightfully deserve. In the context of motor vehicle accidents, negligent tort law comes into play, signifying that an accident occurred due to a driver’s failure to follow road safety rules. For a negligent tort to stand, there must be evidence of bodily harm or damage to property.

Now that you understand tort law, let’s explore whether your case is likely to proceed to trial.

Will My Case Go to Trial?

The majority of cases do not reach the trial stage. While a trial date may be set, most claims are resolved through settlement long before reaching the courtroom. Trials are typically reserved for cases involving complex legal issues, and if you and the defendant agree on a settlement, you may not need to appear in court.

What Are The Statute of Limitations in Georgia?

Georgia has specific statutes of limitations that set a deadline for filing a claim. In the state of Georgia, you generally have two years to file a claim for damages or wrongful death. After this period expires, you may no longer be eligible to pursue legal action.

It’s essential to consider the concept of comparative negligence, especially if the accident was not entirely the other driver’s fault.

What Is Comparative Negligence in Sandy Springs, GA?

Comparative negligence is a principle rooted in tort law and applies when both parties share some degree of fault. In such cases, you and the other party are each assigned a percentage of fault by a jury. For example, you might be deemed 40% responsible while the other party carries 60% of the blame. Consequently, you are each allocated an amount to pay in damages to one another.

If you have more questions about comparative negligence, we can provide further information.

Should I Take the First Settlement Offered to Me?

Following your accident, you may receive a settlement offer from the other party’s insurance company. It’s advisable not to accept the initial offer, as insurance companies often aim to minimize payouts. Working with an attorney from The Mabra Firm is in your best interest. We possess the knowledge and experience to negotiate with insurance companies and secure the maximum compensation on your behalf.

If you’re uncertain about the value of your claim, you are not alone. The Mabra Firm is here to help you assess what you deserve. Next, we will provide information about average settlement amounts.

What Is an Average Settlement?

The settlement amount in your case depends on various factors, including the extent of damages. Typically, settlements can range anywhere from $4,000 to $80,000. To maximize your settlement, it’s essential to build a strong case, which may involve securing witnesses, statement reports, and photographs. Familiarize yourself with Georgia state laws and maintain ongoing communication with your attorney to ensure a well-organized case.

Settlements usually take some time to materialize, as car insurance companies have their own processes.

How Long Will It Take to Receive My Settlement?

In Georgia, insurance companies have up to 40 days to settle a claim. After you approve their decision, you can expect to receive a check within six weeks to four months.

A common injury resulting from car accidents is whiplash. Let’s explore potential compensation for this type of injury.

How Much Can I Get For A Whiplash Injury?

If you suffer from whiplash symptoms, you may be eligible to file a claim and expect a settlement ranging from $3,000 to $10,000. The severity of your whiplash will influence the settlement amount, with more severe cases potentially receiving higher compensation.

It’s essential to note that settlement funds may not be disbursed immediately after an agreement is reached.

How much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Many lawyers in Sandy Springs, including those at The Mabra Firm, operate on a contingency fee basis. This means they do not require upfront fees or charge by the hour. Instead, they take a portion of your settlement or award if your case is successful. If your case does not result in a favorable outcome, you will not owe any fees.

It is crucial to collaborate with a reputable law firm to ensure you receive the maximum settlement permitted by law.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help?

By enlisting the expertise of a personal injury attorney from The Mabra Firm, you can ensure a smooth and efficient handling of your case. Our local personal injury lawyers have a proven track record of maximizing compensation in cases involving car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle wrecks, and other personal injury incidents. Hiring an attorney means you won’t have to navigate the complex legal landscape, damages calculations, and statutes alone. We can manage your case while you focus on your recovery, providing peace of mind and diligent efforts to enhance your claim.

Get a Free Consultation with a Car Accident Lawyer in Sandy Springs

This comprehensive guide addresses numerous questions that many victims of personal injury accidents may have. A skilled lawyer can make all the difference when pursuing compensation for negligence.

If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident and believe the other party is at fault, The Mabra Firm has a trusted auto accident attorney in Sandy Springs ready to assist you.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation today. We’re here to answer any additional questions you may have and guide you toward the path to rightful compensation.

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